1st transnational meeting in Šentjur / Slovenia

Preliminary: Weeks before we started with School decoration. Many thanks to all the Students as well as to the Teachers who helped School was looking great and it still does. Unforgattable!


Day 1: School tour, presentations of the partners’ countries, an official reception with a cultural programme, social evening


Day 2: Lectures at the Astronomical Geophysical Observatory Golovec, the sightseeing of Ljubljana, lecture and workshop at Kurešček, Astronomical Society Labod


Day 3: Workshop in Stellarium programme, the official project logo design, astronomical workshops and demonstrations in Prevorje, Astronomical Society Kosci

Day 4: Competition on Sally Ride EarthKAM photos, presentations about the Solar System, social evening
Day 5: Visiting KSEVT, Celje`s Old Castle, Celje`s Regional Museum and bowling
Day 6: The departure day

1st transnational meeting in Šentjur / Slovenia

In the week from 23rd to 30th November Franjo Malgaj Primary School  was hosting the first international project meeting.

In addition to the number of our students from the 9th and 8th grade also 21 students and 12 mentors came from Poland, Romania, Turkey and Spain.

In accordance with the programme we have implemented a variety of astronomical contents such as astrophotos, analysis and competition for the best photography in the context of the programme Sally Ride EarthKAM, astronomical observations and workshops in Prevorje and Kurešček, the Stellarium program, astronomy lectures at the AOG Golovec and AD Labod, the presentation of the Solar System and the participating countries, the tour of Ljubljana and Celje, the visit of KSEVT in Vitanje, preparation of multimedia materials (website, FB, interviews), visiting planetarium and social events, etc.

The Opening Ceremony video

Please check out our photos in the Gallery.

1. mednarodno projektno srečanje / Šentjur / Slovenija

V tednu od 23. do 30. novembra smo na OŠ Franja Malgaja gostili prvo mednarodno projektno srečanje udeležencev projekta Reach the Sky.

Poleg učencev 9. in 8. razredov naše šole se je srečanja udeležilo 21 dijakov in 12 mentorjev iz Poljske, Romunije, Turčije in Španije.

V skladu s programom smo izvajali različne astronomske vsebine kot so fotografiranje, analiza in natečaj za najboljšo fotografijo v sklopu programa Sally Ride EarthKAM, astronomska opazovanja in astrofotografiranje na Prevorju in Kureščku, delavnice v programu Stellarium, predavanja o astronomiji na AOG Golovec in AD Labod, predstavitve Sončnega sistema in držav udeleženk, ogled Ljubljane in Celja, obisk KSEVTA v Vitanju, priprava multimedijskih gradiv (spletna stran, FB, intervjuji), ogled planetarija in družabni dogodki.

Video posnetek uvoda.

Več o dogajanju si oglejte v galeriji.

Thanks to the Participants

2nd December, 2015

Dear coordinators, mentors and students,

the first national meeting Erasmus + is finished. We hope that it was successful even for you and that you managed to experience the education in another way. We had an opportunity to meet other cultures, habits and languages. Special bonds among us will enrich our future. And this is education/school as well. We believe that you will manage to maintain your contacts with our students and we are looking forward to meeting you again according to project Reach the Sky.

We would like to sincerely thank you for your support during the project because you enabled us to carry out the project. We would like to thank you in the name of the management of our school and our students’ parents.

»United in diversity« (the motto of  the EU)

Erasmus+ Team


1. projektni sestanek: Šentjur – Slovenija

Priprave: tedne prej smo učenci in učitelji krasili in opremljali šolske hodnike in učilnice z raznimi detajli. Hvala vsem učencem in učiteljem, ki so sodelovali pri opremljanju šole. Nepozabno!


1. dan: ogled šole, predstavitve partnerskih držav, uradni sprejem s kulturnim programom, spoznavni večer


2. dan: predavanja na Astronomskem geofizikalnem observatoriju Golovec, ogled Ljubljane, predavanje in delavnica na Kureščku, Astronomsko društvo Labod


3. dan: delavnice v programu Stellarium, izdelava logotipa, astronomske delavnice in demonstracije na Prevorju, Astronomsko društvo Kosci


4. dan: obdelava in natečaj fotografij Sally Ride EarthKAM, predstavitve Sončnega sistema, druženje mentorjev na turistični kmetiji


5. dan: ogled KSEVTA, Starega gradu, Pokrajinskega muzeja in bowling


6. dan: odhodi udeležencev





The Play: The Big Bang Theory, Žalec, 18th November 2015

On the 18th of November the Erasmus + team went to see the play called The Big Bang Theory. The play was about the scientists. The main character was Nikola Tesla. During his adventure he was talking to Albert Einstein, Charles Darwin, Marie Curie, Isaac Newton and Galileo Galilei. They were talking about how the Universe was created. They were also talking about going back into time and the theories like Einstein’s theory of relativity, Darwin’s theory of evolution… During the play we found out how scientists believe that the Universe was once like a grapefruit, but it was very very heavy and then the big bang happened and the Universe, as we know it today, was created. I really enjoyed the play because it was funny, interesting and educational.