Slovenian Team:
Headmaster: Marjan Gradišnik
Geography Teacher: Jure Radišek, Project Coordinator
English Teacher: Maja Belej
Chemistry Teacher: Nikolaj Koželj
Slovenian Team:
Headmaster: Marjan Gradišnik
Geography Teacher: Jure Radišek, Project Coordinator
English Teacher: Maja Belej
Chemistry Teacher: Nikolaj Koželj
Official and School project Web pages
Student`s Web pages or Video clips
More astronomical Web pages
Don`t forget to attend Sally Ride EarthKAM mission in November (10 – 13, 2015).
Take as much photos as you can and bring them with you to Slovenia.
Sally Ride EarthKAM (Earth Knowledge Acquired by Middle school students) is a NASA educational outreach program that enables students, teachers, and the public to learn about Earth from the unique perspective of space.
The project was initiated by Dr. Sally Ride, America’s first woman in space, in 1995 and called KidSat. The Franja Malgaja Primary School is the first school in Slovenia to participate in this exceptional program.
“When I was orbiting Earth in the space shuttle, I could float over to a window and gaze down at the delicate white clouds, brilliant orange deserts, and sparkling blue water of the planet below. I could see the coral reefs in the oceans, fertile farmlands in the valleys, and twinkling city lights beneath the clouds. Even from space, it is obvious that Earth is a living planet.”
Sally Ride
By analyzing the photos we have taken we can observe an interesting happening on the Earth’s surface like the extent of glaciation in Patagonia (Argentina). With a little luck we will take photos of the same glacier each year and compare how it is melting away.
About Erasmu+
Erasmus+ is the European Union programme for education, training, youth and sport. It runs for seven years, from 2014 to 2020, with organisations invited to apply for funding each year to undertake creative and worthwhile activities.
Erasmus+ aims to modernise education, training and youth work across Europe. It is open for education, training, youth and sport organisations across all sectors of lifelong learning, including school education, further and higher education, adult education and the youth sector. It offers exciting opportunities for participants to study, work, volunteer, teach and train abroad Europe.
About Reach the Sky
Project Reach the Sky is in the framework of Erasmus +, Key Action 2: Strategic partnerships between schools.
Project partner schools are from Poland (Gorlice), Slovenia (Šentjur), Romania (Pecica), Turkey (Gaziantep) and Spain (Tenerife).
The program lasts two years, a main topic is astronomy.
The programme actively involves the students of the ninth and eighth grade, teachers, mentors, scientific and cultural institutions and the local community.
Official project logo
School project logos
Da bo sodelovanje potekalo čim lažje, smo vam pripravili slovar z astronomskimi pojmi.
Med 24. in 30. novembrom bomo gostili učence partnerskih šol. Ti učenci potrebujejo prenočišča, sicer pa so tekom celotnega dneva skupaj z našimi učenci vključeni v celodnevne aktivnosti s področja astronomije. Spodbujamo vas, da se odločite za to možnost in se aktivno vključite v ta dogodek ter omogočite bivanje sodelujočim učencem. Na tak način boste imali skupaj z vašimi otroki odlično priložnost spoznati druge kulture, navade, jezike in običaje.
Prosimo vas, da se pozivu za omogočajne bivanja učencev pri vas doma odzovete v čim večjem številu, saj le tako lahko zagotovimo nemoteno izvajanje programa. Če se še niste dokončno odločili, vas prosimo, da nas kontaktirate in vam tako lažje predstavimo, kaj se od vas pričakuje.
Mentorji projekta Reach the Sky